Know Our Story

We were all classical music students at Lynn conservatory. One day, while the bassist Julian was grooving in a practice room, the trombone player Miguel happened to walk by and heard it. Intrigued, minutes later Miguel walked in Juilan's room ready to jam.

Later on, Julian and Miguel played a musical called "42nd street" where they witnessed Jerry's impressive jazz chops. After some shows together, they invited Jerry to join their jazz combo. However, there was still something missing, "the glue" the piano player.

One day, while walking down the hallway of the conservatory, Miguel heard Aidan practicing "it could happen to you". Minutes later, Miguel walked in Aidan's room and again, ready to jam.

And so, the quartet was formed. Now, we are here, ready to jam with you.

Our team

We absolutely love playing together and have an incredible amount of fun while doing so. However, we also take our performances very seriously and approach them with a high level of professionalism.

Miguelangel Garcia

Trombone/ Producer, arranger

Julian Rauh


Aidan Quintana

Piano/ Audio engineer

Jerry Grace


Get in touch

